STM Week 4: Motors & Drivers
Quick guide on motors, types, which to pick for your projects, and how to implement their code.
STM Week 3: HAL/LL Libraries
STM has two main drivers for their boards: HAL and LL. Check out what they are and how to use them in a beginner level.
STM Week 2: Clock & Power Management
A cool feature of STM is its clock and power management system. Learn about the HSI, HSE, and other useful stuff.
nmat - Numerical Methods
Quick guide on numerical methods and their implementation.
STM Week 1: From Arduino to STM32
Intro to microcontroller architecture, why STM32, and how to set up your workspace for it.
STM Learning Path
From blinking LEDS in Arduino to a ROS2-integrated, vision-enabled autonomous robot in STM.
ML week 2
Understand tensors, perform tensor operations, and compute gradients using automatic differentiation.
ML week 1
Understand core ML concepts, deploy a simple model via an API, and identify deployment challenges.
Arriving to China
New to China? Exchange student? Coming for a couple months? Here are some tips from my experience to help you make it go smooth.
Double and Triple pointers in C
Pointers. Some love them, most kinda hate them. What happens when we throw in double and triple pointers?
Thoughts - pretending
Void Pointers
test 1
Search Optimization in C
Search for an item in an array. For loops? Binary search? Hash maps? Quick guide here.
ml learning path
Equations in flametemp()
Documentation on equations in flametemp()